Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sea cliff – Haiku 177

Akin to a tired mother waiting for her children to fall asleep

jaded sea cliff -
boisterous waves
calm down just twice a day

Photo Credit

watchful eyes wait 
to droop and rest-
 tomorrow too a high-tide day 

© Nalini Hebbar/openmind/2009-all rights reserved

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Viyoma said... much expressed in so little words!!

Your post..doesnt have a TWEET BUTTON.. i would have liked to promote this post on twitter as well!

Dr. Pratibha Singh said...

wow amazing pics with beautiful haiku.

bollywoodstylediaries said...

The second pic is soo me:-) I love the comparison between the cliff and tired mom..

Beyond Horizon said...

Nice...2 pics conveying d msg perfectly :)

magiceye said...

loved them!!

S.R.Ayyangar said...

Nice shot.

Pooja said...

Oh brilliant, absolutely!

Tarun Mitra said...

much expression in little words..:)

Maitreyee Chowdhury said...

What a beautiful blog you have Nalini and such a creative one too.. have been blogging for a while but seeing your blog I know what amazing stuff one can do with it. Kudos :)

Rajendra raikwar said...

very well shot