- Maya Ravan
- Devdutt Pattanaik
- Shashi Tharoor
- Evolution of Life
- Pranav Veera - Whiz kid
- Mind, Brain & Spirituality: Toward a Biology of the Soul
- Stand Up Comedy
- A must watch for a mother
- Kavita Ramdas...Radical Women
- Aditi Shankardass: A second opinion on learning disorders
The Mythicist Position | What is Mythicism?
- Things to read
1. Maya Ravan By Shobana and her Troupe
Maya Ravan 2
Maya Ravan 3
Maya Ravan 5
Please go to YouTube for all 14 of them or buy your copy at Kalakendra
2. Devdutt Pattanaik
3. Shashi Tharoor
4. A must watch...
Evolution of Life in 60 Seconds § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
6. Pranav Veera - Whiz kid ... My friend's son
7. Mind, Brain & Spirituality: Toward a Biology of the Soul----- a Discussion
8. A must watch for a mother
9. Kavita Ramdas...Radical Women
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