Thursday, November 4, 2010

Umbrella – Haiku 181

under grandpa’s umbrella
papa takes baby steps
into the rain

© Nalini Hebbar/openmind/2009-all rights reserved

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dr.antony said...

And the wind came
like a thief,
stole the umbrella

Nethra said...

An old father takes his father's umbrella and go for a walk in the rain. Did I get it right?

zephyr said...

That must be one hell of an old umbrella! the pic is as beautiful as the haiku!

Dr. Pratibha Singh said...

I think age of the umbrella and age of father would be the same.nice haiku and love the photo too.

Ramesh Sood said...

This a lovely Haiku.. Nalini..thank you.. It made me nostalgic..

Here's wishing you all a Very Happy Diwali.. do visit for a feast of Diwali Haikus..

Nishant said...

I was looking for some haiku and Google brought me to your excellent blog. You have a way with words. Congratulations. Pictures are great too!

Chapters From My Life said...

cute Haiku.. Loved it