A deck of cards-
Cards of life
A few open
Some closed
A few candid sunny
Some mysterious dark.
A change in life
With the luck of draw,
A new friend,
A useful skill,
A fresh outlook,
A missed chance,
A dormant talent,
A misused gift,
A useless card that
Drops away with time,
Que Sera Sera,
What will be, will be!
Among discarded cards-
The unsung card
Horribly trampled
Underneath feet.
Miles in time to go
Before you know,
A fitting choice
Or the draw of death?
C'est la vie!
What can you do?
A new card awaited,
In childlike pizzazz,
Cards are drawn
And cards are dropped
Goes forth life
A happy bumpy ride
Bright open windows
Of the house of cards,
Hold back or dive in,
The gamble is fate.
Oh Kismat! Oh Moira!
October 25, 2009, Edited March 20, 2010
© Nalini Hebbar/openmind/2009 - all rights reserved
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Absolutely perfect .Life is actually like a game of card
Cards are drawn
And cards are dropped.
Absolutely delighted to read this one. Awestruck. Amazed.
Time crunch(Exam Season) I wish to read your blog thoroughly. I will do that in near future.
Simply fantabulous.
very nice....reflections of our life..
Firstly, the picture is beautiful! :)
They say, a picture speaks a thousand words, but your words, Nalini, speak a thousand pictures! You paint those pictures so well with your amazing poetry.. Lovely!
By the way, did you read my stanza about your poems I had sent you as an e-mail?
Beautifully written... I wud suggest you convert all your poems into a book
....and some card is held against our chest to our end!
Now this is a truly amazing piece of writing..
If only Sir Ben Kingsley and Amitabh Bachchan would ve seen this before - maybe Teen Patti would have been a hit.
Imagine them reading this in the background while the titles unfold...
Cards of life... That is a beautiful read.
Thank you guys...for the wonderful comments
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