Why do I question, Oh, why?
Is it me? Or is it the answer?
Why do I have a question
For every thought that strikes?
Is it me that hears a question
In the echo of an answer?
An answer that is a question
To which every answer
Another question?
Why can’t it be simple
The answer to any question?
Or is it that the answer
Is an answer that questions
The very reason of being?
Questions and answers
Both chase tails in vain
Caught in the whirlwind
I ride the merry-go-round
Jubilant and quizzical
Questions on my tongue.
Why do I question, Oh, why?
Is it me? Or is it the answer?
© Nalini Hebbar/openmind/2009 - all rights reserved
Good post. Why are some people leaders and some followers?
how do you come up with poems like these, quite a skill, btw you have a little something over at my blog
Its you and me, Never the answer, because as you said, the answer is another question ;)
hmm , nice one ..
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