Monday, May 3, 2010

Love Musings 3

Love is the most misused word on earth. To what length will one go to be loved and to feel needed?  Life is too short to live only for others. I seriously feel that if we devote a little time everyday to explore oneself in order to love the self, the world would be a better place. Ego and prejudice are what makes us see life with jaundiced eyes! 

“Love thy neighbour
As you love yourself, 
Hate not what he loves
Love not what he hates.”
I think…?
It’s time I changed-
My neighbourhood! 

Love in a manner
Acceptable to society, 
It sets the rules, 
The path and the ways.

Hey! I thought LOVE was
Mysterious and Divine? 

As love is that entity
That no language can define
And no mind can fathom- 
So I can’t describe
The love I feel for you-
And hide behind “I Love You”

Minds meet and souls bond
Beauty seen even in its dearth, 
Minds and souls foreign mate
If bodies meet for body’s sake.

Reflective life of a man in love
Starts with him and ends with him, 
Reflected in his every action
Reflections of his pursuit
Of righteousness and justice. 

© Nalini Hebbar/openmind/2009 - all rights reserved
Take a leap into my PhotoBlog 



Lucy Fur said...

Nalini Mam, I have read your posts for quite some time now. Your poetry and photography is really great!Would you please consider making a submission to a baby e magazine ? You will find all details here.

The magazine is a celebration of art as a healing power. It dedicated to all those who have survived trauma of some kind.We would love to have a submission from you for our very first edition!

Rachana said...

Wonderful love musings! Nicely expressed and penned!

bollywoodstylediaries said...

funny and profound at the same time:-)

Vinita Apte said...

Just as Sonali said...funny and with so much of depth :)

Anonymous said...

That was indeed a great read...
Good to know that you are from Kerala, my home-town :)
I got your blog from one of my friends. And needless to say that I've gone 'fida' on your snaps and poetry...and I've chose to follow you. :)
I'm a newbie to this blog-o-sphere and everything in it fascinates me...
Its Great knowing you...

The Write Girl said...

I like your words and reflections on love. That is a lovely photo as well. A beautiful piece.

anatreek said...

Loved the first one:)

Purba said...

Beautifully expressed. Loved it :)

Nalini Hebbar said...

@ Ana, Revuu, Lucy ....welcome to my blog...I am so glad to see that you enjoy my poems...nothing feels better!...:)

Nalini Hebbar said...

Thank you all for the comments...I hope you have read the other two...This one as you say is a 'poking fun at how love is understood by society'...:)

Rajendra Raikwar said...

very nice