Sunday, March 21, 2010

Haiku 101 flame

This tree was photographed by me in the Nagarahole Forest of Karnataka on the 18th of January, 2010, while on a family holiday at the Cicada Kabini Resort. Spathodea campanulata is called Rudrapalash, made famous in literature by poet Rabindranath Tagore. A town called Palashi, were the historic Battle of Plassey was fought, got its name from this tree and the Palash, Butea monosperma.
Claw-like petals and the finger-like bud seem to point to the heavens, with a warning to the earth and its people, about the dangers of path of wanton destruction we have rakishly followed.

Here, I liken it to passionate woman. This is a riddle-type haiku.

crimson claws
sets heart on fire-
flame of the forest

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Deepa Gopal said...

AWWWW thats lovely and intense...
Love the crimson feel:))

And thts a nice pic:)

Chatterbox said...

Wow! liked the wonderful way you created a Haiku with those gorgeous flowers.


Chandni (Chanz) said...

Frankly, I love the pic more than the haiku.. Its beautiful..

Chapters From My Life said...

Those were my moms fav trees and she loved that color...