About My Blog♥

"If you fear that opening your mind will cause your brain to fall out, then this book is not for you. If you are unhappy discussing neuroscience in the context of poetry, music and, above all, religion, then again this text cannot be recommended." 

The opening lines of the book "The Soul in the Brain", Michael R. Trimble, Emeritus Professor of Behavioural Neurology at UniversityCollege of London.

This applies to my blog too. 

Enter if your mind is open to change, open to growth and open to new thought.

Get a taste of enchanting India, its history and culture, with a series of poems that gives you a real feel of the country.

Modern India is an amalgam of varied cultures, religions, languages and races that have integrated into a very complex but interesting way of life. 

My pain and concern about the role religion has played in spreading hate and divide in today's world is recurrent in most of my poems.

I have recently started a PhotoBlog called SayCheese for the photos I click. I am new to photography as well as to please do not fall off your chair laughing...but if you do, just tell me what's wrong so that I can laugh with you :)

I write all kinds of poetry, the free verse and the structured kind-to meter and rhyme scheme. I also write the Haiku, a form of Japanese short poetry. 
